Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Addendum to below

And registering this blog as well, which I have already done. I doublely rock!


Week 2 (which I guess would be day two for me) has me setting up a blogger account {or as my fingers keep wanting to type it blooger.} Which I have already done. I rock. And Darth agrees.

7 1/2 habits & the Learning Contract

I watched the 7 1/2 PowerPoint. I really like the idea of the learning contract. I'm going to have to utilize it, both for personal endeavors and for this thingy. As for the easiest habit {half habit}- play! I really didn't think I need to say more on the topic.

There are two habits that are difficult for me but for different reasons - Habit 1 & 3.

Number 1 - Begin with the end in mind. I mean unless I'm going to Mt. Doom or blowing up the Death Star the journey is often far more interesting than the destination. It could be argued that even with my two examples that the journey is just as interesting as the destination, if not more so. For example at home I have a bolt of light blue brocade - I don't know what it's going to be yet but it's as much fun researching the different patterns as it will be making the final projects. (With a whole bolt I should be able to get a couple of different things out of it.)

Number 3 - View problems as challenges. My problems tend to be more in the forms of interruptions and derailments than actual problems. While I'm typing this, fully entrenched in a brilliant world changing thought, I'm fully expecting a phone call from one of the branches to inform me that an army of mutant ants have taken the HVAC hostage while the Hydra comes out of the public men's room toilet and Sneaks has run off to to Vegas to become a show girl. (It could happen.) After I have called the appropriate contractors and such, I will go back to my brilliant thought that will end world hunger, cures AIDS, bring forth nuclear disarmament, and allow me to sit on top of a big fat pile of gold - only to find that in the afore mentioned chaos it has quickly and quietly exited my brain via the ear canal, snaked it's way down to the kitchen, and used the garbage disposal to make it's great escape....See this is the kind of challenge I face. (Well, not that heroic and epic worthy, but close.)


Do we have to do the weeks in order or can we skip (play) about?

Monday, June 4, 2007

And thus learning 23 things begins.

After looking over the course outline, I already know how to do most of the 23 things (or have heard of the website and have had little interest in it up till now) but the possibility of prizes is enough to catch my attention.